Didier Guigue
A French-born, Didier Guigue lives in João Pessoa, Brazil. As a Senior Researcher at CNPq (National Council For Reseacrh) and Tenured Teacher at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, his academic production, lectionning and lecturing activities are mainly in the fieds of XXth/XXIth Century Music Theory, History & Aesthetics, and Computing Applied to Music. Docteur en Musicologie du XXe Siècle by the E.H.E.S.S., Paris (France) under the directon of philosopher and composer Hugues Dufourt, he is since 1997 the founder and director of the Mus3 Research Group, a IRCAM associated partner, and member of other research groups or laboratories in Brazil and France.
Have a consistent number of publications, in Brazil and Europe, among them outstands the book Esthétique de la Sonorité (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009), translated in portuguese in 2011.
His concern as a composer ranges from experimental to techno music, sometimes with a slight touch of afro-brazilian references. A member of Artesanato Furioso, a group of experimental artists focused on live performance & improvisation, uses to interact with other expressions, including dance, video and digital visual arts.
Besides “Quatre Fois”, his two other recent monographic outputs (“La Belle Insomnieuse”, Arte Estranha, 2021) and „E Tudo Verdade“ (released May, 19, 2022) give a good idea of the eclecticism of his production.
Photo by Tarlazza Messina